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    Best Army

    I can\'t decide to do 1 of the 5 armies -Dark Angels -Necrons -Eldar dire avenger army -Chaos red corsairs -Kroot army
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    pre heresy thousand sons and daemons ?

    can the pre herey thousand sons have daemons like horrors/Flamers/lord of change because they are still tzeentch aren\'t they ?
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    Pre heresy thousand sons

    does any1 have any info on pre heresy thousand sons and how to make the terminators shoulder pads and heads for marines
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    does any1 know how to use green stuff

    can some1 help me ive got gaps on my lord of change and ive never used green stuff b4 and i don\'t want to make a mess of it so could u possibly give me some tips that will help me ?????????
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    Help on painting tzeentch demons

    can someone possibly give me some ideas of how hullukoira has painted this horror
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    Ideas for painting kroot skin

    Im thinking about doing a squad of kroot with shaper hounds and 3 krootox so does anyone have any ideas for painting skin i was thinking of painting it with a basecoat of scorchedbrown then catachan green with a rotting flesh highlight
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    Chaos marines red crorsairs

    Does any1 know anything about the red corsairs chaos marines and huron blackheart
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    Help on Painting Tzeentch Daemons

    Can some1 give me some colour scheme ideas for painting horrors, flamers ect
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