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    Crocodile Games Dead? (Wargods of Egyptus)

    Just curious to know if Crocodile games is dead or if they are having web troubles... can\'t seem to find a valid website for them. The game always looked sweet, but I wanted to get some details about it before I fork out that kind of chedda on the book.
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    Animated GW Icons....

    I\'ve just been seeing allot of the GW animated icons and was wondering where you get them from....kinda cool
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    I\'ve been playin\' around with freehand art and I\'ve got to tell ya.....I SUCK!! I look at this site and see incredible freehand work on cloaks and armor and whatnot but I can\'t even come close!!! I was just wondering if anyone would be so kind as to share some insight on how you get such...
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    Hello all, I was just wondering what brushes you all use for painting highlights, for things like cheekbones, or other very small highlights...
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    Fig #2727 how did you make that iceball?

    I saw the mini on #2727 the paint work is excellent!! An incredible mini...the iceball that was added is also very cool and makes the model that much more impressive... I was wondering about the process of getting the copper sulphate to crystalize on the wire....and where to get copper...
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