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  1. gsr15

    Banned from articles?

    I've just tried to look through the articles and been told I don't have permission...anyone else having this problem or is it just me?
  2. gsr15

    Wedding figures

    Hi all, I've seen a few times around here people mentioning that they were going to be painting wedding figures as gifts for friends getting hitched and I liked the I've got some friends taking the plunge and thought I'd try to do the same thing for them but I've been having a hell of...
  3. gsr15

    Painting 'smoothness'

    Hi all, So I've searched around and haven't found quite what I'm looking for so here's the question I can I improve the smoothness of my paint job? As an example, I've tried my first multi-color blending (see attached) and while I know the actual blending could certainly be...
  4. gsr15

    First CMON submission

    Hi all, just got my first CMON submission posted: This is the first of a series of practice figures I'm working on to try and learn new techniques and improve my skills after an ~15 year break from the hobby. Got the entire Dungeonquest:Heroes pack (12 figs.) to...
  5. gsr15

    First WIP in 15+!

    GSR's WIP So I haven't painted for probably 15-16 years, but got the urge to try it again recently, dug out this old figure I'd primed back then and went to town. This is also my first attempt at anything with more than just a face and hands worth of flesh and I got to this point and became...
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