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  1. M

    Article: Weekly Painting Group

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    Strange Discovery - Hobby Related

    ok so i\'ve been making noise about how i\'m starting a Menoth army for Warmachine (i promise a WiP that i will update) and i\'ve started playing with what i have. Now with Menoth the big thing is FIRE and things catching fire and other things exploding. Keeping track of everything thats on...
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    Quick Recommendation for Dragonforge!

    Hi everyone i just wanted to shout out to dragonforge for his great bases. After telling him what i needed for my Menoth army he finished making the bases quickly and had them cast up. We had a massive postal issue with the Royal Mail (yay go the slowest postal service in the world!) but they...
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    Need help finding Warmachine Bases in the UK!!

    I have decided to give up the increasingly frustrating 40k in favour of the slightly more enjoyable Warmachine!!!! I\'m going to be doing a Menoth army and i noticed epicast do some really nice flagstone/paved warmachine bases where can i get these in the UK (preferably that accepts paypal)? My...
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    Forgeworld Eldar Asurman for Sale

    Hi all i have a partially painted Resin Forgeworld Asurman i am now selling (having found out your can strip resin with brake fluid) the model is the same as Ben\'s beautifully painted one here though not painted like this at all Ben\'s Asurman if you\'re interested PM me
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    40k Tau Empire Stuff for Sale

    I started a Tau Empire army got to 3000pts and then the new Orks came out meaning i now have lots of Tau which i\'m not using. Is there anyone out there who wants to provide a home for these unloved Tau. I have Piranhas, Devilfish, hammerheads and countless other models most are undercoated and...
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    Forgeworld Troll For Sale

    I have one of the Forgeworld Trolls which are now OOP i have no idea how much i should charge for it but i do know you can\'t get them anymore. It\'s completely untouched so if anyone\'s interested PM me with a reasonable offer.
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    Icicles - How do you do them?

    I\'m trying out snow bases for my new Eldar tourney army. Once that\'s done i\'m also doing a complimentary Ork army for 40k. Does anyone know how to do convincing icicles. I\'ve heard fishing line dipped in water effect then left to dry if effective but i can\'t find any tutorials online. Any...
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    John Blanche Artwork Book from Skullz promotion

    Hi guys selling the John Blanche Artwork book you only got with the skullz promotion at GW. John Blanche Artbook check it out i\'d prefer this went to a real collector and didn\'t end up chewed to pieces!!!!
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    Pro-Painted Warmachine on Ebay

    I\'m selling off my Warmachine Display figures on ebay. There\'s a Cygnar Battlegroup, a Magnus the Traitor Battlegroup and Herne and Jonne Mercenaries. I have to get rid of them due to our new house and baby!!! Cygnar Battlegroup Magnus the Traitor Battlegroup Herne & Jonne
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    Pro-Painted 1500pts Tau Army on Ebay

    I hate to do it my only painted army and i\'m selling it if anyone is interested the ebay listing is here: Tau Tournament Army I\'ve spent hours painting this and it was intended for the Grand Tournament but alas with my new baby and job it is not to be. I hope someone gets the enjoyment out...
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    Dwarf Army for Sale Over 2000pts completely metal!

    Hi guys i\'m selling an unpainted completely metal Dwarf Warhammer Fantasy army on ebay It\'s completely metal not a single plastic in the whole thing!
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    Finally passed my driving test!

    Well after 5 attempts i have finally passed my driving test!!! Woohoo Thought you\'d all like to know But i can\'t be the only person who took it more than 3 times who else has?
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    Multifracture\'s WiP - Minotaur lord

    First off i\'d like to say i hope you don\'t find me presumptious in posting this i\'m not a regular face and only pop up occasionally to put my oar in. I do wish to share this with you though. It\'s a minotaur lord that has inspired an entire army of converted beastmen. Take a look and give...
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    Present for an Eldar player, please help!!!

    At our gaming club it has long been the tradition to buy each other gifts as the illustrous time of our birth is celebrated. Usually this will be a box set or model that we need or don\'t have. Now we have been together as a group for years and as such now have most of what we need/want. Also a...
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    How do you make imprints and cast stuff?

    Probably completely in the wrong place but having just started a sisters of battle army i wanted something to keep track of faith points. After reading an article on another website i want to cast up some fleur de lys as faith tokens but don\'t want to sculpt the same thing over and over. Where...
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    Weekly Painting Group

    Over at Minivault we\'ve decided to set up a Weekly Painting Group. The basic idea is a painting technique is chosen every week and attempted by all involved. The results and lessons learned are shared with everyone. The object being to create a fairly comprehensive guide to most painting...
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    Weekly Painting Group

    Over at The Minivault we\'ve decided to start a Weekly Painting Group. The idea being to pick a specific painting technique each week and give it a go displaying your results as you go along. Hopefully this will provide a useful resource for everyone to use! We do need participants so that we...
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    Games Day and Golden Demon UK 2006

    Who\'s going and who\'s entering Golden Demon? Also considering the changes made to the categories what is everyone entering in GD? I\'m going this year and for the sheer hell of it i\'m doing a plastic gnoblar from the Ogre sprue on a scenic base!! For the single WFB category
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    Butterfly Wings

    Ok i have recently bought the Bad Fairy from Freebooter and would really like to know how to do butterfly wings. I think i\'ve seen a couple but i\'d like to know how to get that intense sheen. Aside from using real butterfly\'s wings (yeuk!) how do i do it?
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