Search results

  1. Benihana

    Benihana's Long-winded WIP (Skaven and Random)

    It's high time I posted, and perhaps that will help me get things moving. A bit about myself: I'm 28 and living in central California. I was in the Navy on the East coast for 6 years, got out and wasted a year or so on World of Warcraft, and have since been working toward a Mechanical...
  2. Benihana

    Interior of 40k spaceships?

    Do you ever see the interior of Warhammer 40k spaceships? Preferably canon. In tabletop, sourcebooks, video game or anything else? If anyone has a link to pictures that would be even more ideal. Thanks so much.
  3. Benihana

    Looking for sculpey mold-GS tutorial

    A year or two ago I ran across this tutorial, but now I can\'t seem to find it, and was hoping someone might be able to help out. The tutorial was for a marine(?) lower leg armor. The author pushed detail into sculpey, baked it, then pushed green stuff into it and curved it to the leg. The...
  4. Benihana

    Universal Basing for Sci-fi

    I\'m attempting to decide how to base some Star Wars miniatures. I\'d like to do something more interesting than the Rebel/Imperial symbol, but I need the bases to be somewhat universal. With Snowtroopers or Sandtroopers it\'s easy to decide how to base them. With Stormtroopers I\'d like to use...
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