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  1. mickc22

    Thunderhawk Gunship!!! (metal) What's it worth?

    Well as the title says, anyone know the going rate for the Thunderhawk My mate has one, which he is never going to put together It's the original all metal release in the wooden box, complete with the numbered certificate, it's still mint, never been assembled and I doubt it's ever seen much...
  2. mickc22

    Article: New release from

    You can view the page at
  3. mickc22

    Article: Upgrading forums

    You can view the page at
  4. mickc22

    What's happening!!

    The forums have gone all weird again, just got used to how they were before!!
  5. mickc22

    Narin Studio

    Has anyone seen this guys work before? amazing likenesses!!
  6. mickc22

    Mickc22 2010 WIPs

    Just getting back to the brushes after a quiet spell, may even see some sculpts too as the year progresses first up Galadriel, which I just got in the recent ME23 She has a coat of gloss to protect the face while I started on the hair, everything will be matted down later, I did actually mean...
  7. mickc22

    Robed Space Marines

    First off, this is not a WIP that's why I put it here, it's just me playing with some putty from time to time and getting some feedback from you guys So, here's the first few pics Had a play with a Termy, Then a Power Armoured Marine yeah I know it's not finished but I got called in...
  8. mickc22

    polishing poop! or... Dorodango anyone?

    Came across this the other day, it's somewhat fascinating yet repulsive at the same time 3rax27_ZIVM
  9. mickc22

    Well done Cybersquig!

    ...on having your own article in Febs White Dwarf, p90-91 Nice one James :glasses-cool:
  10. mickc22

    What Fimo should be used for.......

    ...not those namby pamby beads!! :smile-big: (Embeded!! I knew I'd get there in the end, if I played around with enough html tags) I like the way he seems to have come across it by accident, there also seems to be a bit of naivety in his voice, that he genuinely thinks he's the only person that...
  11. mickc22

    Swine Flu now!!

    Just been in bed for practically a week with Flu, only to find out it's probably Swine Flu, and I'm gonna be here for another week :curse: Explains why I wasn't feeling any better when it usually only lasts 3-5 days, at least the Tramadol will come in handy :smile-big:
  12. mickc22

    I'm a Granddad!!

    :smile-big: My son and his lovely young lady had a baby girl this morning 6lb 12oz, Gracie Louise :claply: their first together, and baby sister to Louis, he's just turned 1 Nice and quick too, she went in around 0800, we got a txt at about 1100 that she was born, apparently they'll both be...
  13. mickc22

    Flesh colors from Foundry

    Just got an email from Foundry today, they got 30 new flesh colors in 9 matched palettes The Expert palette looks intersting Foundry Flesh Palettes
  14. mickc22

    Sculpt-Along sticky requests

    Hi can we have a couple of sticky's in the sculpt-along firstly James; "read first" thread and my scale chart (unless it can be migrated into the "read first") which ever is easier thanks guys
  15. mickc22

    Handy Scale chart by Prophet Miniatures

    I hope Matt won't mind (haven't seen him here for a while) this is a chart he had up on his website, for personal use You can use it to directly measure your armature Just right click "save as" then once you've saved it print it off,I don't think it needs reducing or enlarging...
  16. mickc22

    Mick Clark........

    ...........and the Saga of Orion :laugh: this is the Mark Gibbons pic that has always inspired me this is about where I'm at (and have been for some time) I also want to do a bust of this, from about mid torso up, I'm still needing to get the...
  17. mickc22

    So..., what did you get for Xmas?

    I got a Pure DAB radio/CD player/ with clock 40K Assault on Black Reach, and £15 GW gift vouchers far, more relatives to arrive yet :D :brushwave:
  18. mickc22

    Happy Birthday Lizcam

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! have some of these:hug-left::hug-right::kiss: some of this:cake: a bit of a :party: and a few of these :beerwave: have a good one and hopefully a separate pressie for each "day" :smile-big:
  19. mickc22

    Santa Tracker

    You can follow Sant's progress here:
  20. mickc22

    GW open Boxing Day!!!

    Just found out from my local GW, they are open on Boxing Day! WTF! Is there really any need for it? Are they really that desperate? Is nothing sacred anymore? I thought of starting a Facebook movement or something
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