I don't like any Rackham mini's (or anything vaguely French or out of scale), but give the man his due. It's a PDG paint job. I wish posters would lighten up and realize that different styles are what make things interesting. For example I do not flock the sides of my bases, but I almost want to give the poster another point for doing something creative on the base. (On the other hand, this won't sit nicely in a movement tray with other similar mini's.) Another thing I like about this mini is the metallic paints. (NMM looks better on a monitor because monitors are incapable of displaying metallic colors.) Good detail work on the teeth, tongue and eyes and over-all damn good job. I like it.
Nicely painted mini, very nice expressive face, agree with others on the base.
Alright, this is probably going to start a fire storm that will have to move to the forums, but here goes. But man, I just really HATE the Rackham dwarves. Can't stand em won't paint one...they look like twisted demented creatures from someone's nightmare....