Painted about 5 years ago as part of a small beastmen army. The army has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust for a long time now. I have decided to sell them and hopefully somebody will put them to good use.
Okay...after voting on about a Gazillion of these things I just can't keep my mouth shut anymore! The last figure I voted on had an eight point something or other. It was completely green! Granted, it had about thirty seven shades of green all beutifully blended....but it was as interesting as my Grandmother's Buttox! This is a beutifully painted piece with just the right amount of color and good shading. The only things it's lacking is maybe a little better highlighting and better basing. Normally I would've docked him a point for the "average" base job, but since this was meant to be a gaming piece and not display I won't beat him up over it. This beats most of the "army" stuff I've seen painted in my area.