I had this minature lying around for a while so I thought i'd paint him and try seeling him on ebay. This was the first minature I sold on ebay (boy was my mum proud). I just used the GW paint scheme, I find it good practice copying without a guide.
bon travail, j'aurais vu l'épée un peu plus "magique".
sobre et efficace, bravo
good work, i think the sword would be better with a "magic aspect"
very nice
I just figured Teclis the elven archmage from the "Gotrek and Felix saga" books this way. Good work, and well done classic color scheme. I would happily buy this mini on eBay...
7.5. my only nit pick is that i think the sword should be lighter. other than that, very nice. i especially like the detail around the hem of the dress, er, i mean robe