I think I get what you were trying to do with the base but you would have been better off with just a regular (as in non-splitting) base.
In fact, unless you're making an INSANE showpeice like 2 Bloodthirsters duelling or the Great Crane raising skeletons, keeping the base simple is best. Anything else can actually take the attention AWAY from the mini. That's kinda like posting PB centerfolds on your wall only to spraypaint all over the naughty bits. ;)
Think of it this way; when men wear neckties are they doing it to make the tie look good, or so the TIE will make THEM look good?
Décidemment, j'aime beaucoup ton approche des couleurs. Mention spéciale pour la tentative au niveau du socle. Eclairage intéressant pour la couleur verte sur la main. Reste à paufiner les dégradés, mais avec l'acrylique....