Cathay Spearman (High Elf Conversion)
Want to get my mind off of my final tomorrow (remind me never to take college summer classes again) and not in the mood for painting or drawing, I made this little guy (yes I know the back needs to be smoothed out). Here are the parts used: Head: High Elf Archer Plastic Head (amazing how they're just the right shape; also gives new meaning to the term "helmet hair" ) Arms, Chest, & Legs: High Elf Archer Spearman (made the armor banded) Extras: Greenstuff Perhaps not exactly the right fit and style for a soldier of Cathay, but I like it. I've got tons of spare HE parts lying around. It wasn't all that hard to convert. Would be nice to make a whole unit and use them as Pikemen with Heavy Armor or just regular Spearmen (extra armor instead of a shield). This guy was an "impulse project". I've been watching a lot of kungfu/samurai moves lately (Last Samurai, Musa: The Warrior, Legend of Druken Master, etc.). I'll paint soon as I finish all these Chaos Warriors.
Posted: 13 Aug 2004