array ( 'id' => 63086, 'name' => 'Gearhead', 'fullname' => NULL, 'category_id' => 2, 'manufacturer_id' => 133, 'setting_id' => NULL, 'type_id' => NULL, 'description' => 'Support Cobra', 'self' => 6, 'one' => 0, 'two' => 0, 'three' => 1, 'four' => 4, 'five' => 10, 'six' => 47, 'seven' => 70, 'eight' => 32, 'nine' => 10, 'ten' => 10, 'total' => 185, 'rate' => 1293, 'average' => '7.0', 'regtotal' => 91, 'regaverage' => '6.80000000', 'resize' => 0, 'status' => 'Approved', 'reported' => 0, 'substatus' => 'Moderated Manually', 'reason_class' => NULL, 'status_updater_id' => NULL, 'reason' => 'new', 'voter1' => 'iq_voter1', 'voter2' => '', 'voter3' => '', 'voter4' => '', 'voter5' => '', 'timestamp' => 1091806036, 'minicomment' => 'This was part of a custom squad I did. It\'s an official modification which requires cutting the autocannon from the arm, replacing it with the JungleMower, and adding the field gun to the backpack. This was also the first attempt I made at doing a good sensor lense...didn\'t turn out too shabby.', 'views' => 2315, 'contest_id' => NULL, 'contest_category_id' => NULL, 'ebayid' => '', 'ebaycurrency_id' => 1, 'ebayauctiontype' => 'AUCTION', 'ebayfirstbidcurrency_id' => 1, 'ebayfirstbid' => '36.35', 'ebaycurrentprice' => '0.00', 'ebaybids' => 1, 'ebayend_at' => 1240304050, 'ebaystatus' => 'closed', 'ebayup_at' => 1240302013, 'ebayclicks' => 0, 'ebaycoolmini_at' => 0, 'featuredauction' => 0, 'featuredauctionshows' => 0, 'forsalestatus' => 'no', 'forsaleid' => NULL, 'lastadmin_id' => NULL, 'user_id' => 12768, 'is_new' => 0, 'auction_url' => NULL, 'auction_platform' => NULL, 'proper_ebayid' => NULL, 'scale_id' => 6, 'r' => 110807, 'is_nsfw' => 0, 'is_content_managed' => 0, 'is_protected' => 0, )An internal server error occurred.