If you could see the face up close, it would look like she put on a thick layer of cold cream before applying her make up. I really overpainted it. Now that I think about it, I probably used thick paint. I'm thinking of scraping the face paint off and redoing it according to some of the face painting tutorials
This is one of your best. I like the highlights on the clothes, the colors and her hair is nice too. The base is good too. If I had to point something out, it would be her face, I could be cleaner. The expression is good but it looks a bit chalky. It could also be the pic. Nice work, Keep painting!.
The base paint needs to be tidied up a little around the bottom edges and both the contrast and size of the photo isn't helping the mini. Try posting a vertical combination, with a tighter crop. Otherwise the paintwork looks very neat, clean and creditable. :)