Fairy Meat Beat Pixie
I'm reposting this figure because the last picture was horrible. The photography articles have been incredibly helpful to me, and I thank everyone who has taken the time to share their expertise. This was taken using the same crap camera, but without the photoshop-crazy background. It was suggested last time that I shade this figure, but I feel that would go against the fluff. These are the weakest corporeal units in the game, and shading the muscles on a pixie would be the same as doing so on a snotling. He is based on a Killian's Irish Red beer cap, because neither is Irish and both are rather nasty. His name is Tuerk. He has a grudging respect for the drummer of Slaugh. His band's name is Crippling Apathy. Only a poser would wear their own band's shirt. Comments are, of course, appreciated. Particularly if you remember the first post and would like to compare them.
Posted: 26 Feb 2004