SLUDGE - Marsh Troll

SLUDGE - Marsh Troll Gorb looked around suspiciously, as was his nature, though by now he knew himself to be well enough alone.  Trudging through the Marshes of Madness as an emissary to the great Skarsnik himself, Gorb knew he was now destined to rise in power amongst his tribe.  All he had to do was get to the chief of the Rusty Daggaz Tribe and let him know Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks and soon to be Emperor of all Goblins, had called the Great Waaaghhh and wished for the Daggaz to come and fight with him.  By Gork and Mork these swamps stunk.  They had stunk for the three days he had trudged through them, but today, the especially stank.  Like rotten fish covered in manure and left out in the blazing sun for three days kind of a stink.  It did not necessarily offend the goblins large nostrils, but enough of a difference for his goblin brain to take notice.  Something was off, he just could not put his finger on it.   Suddenly a great hand swept up from the water to grab Gorb's ankle, holding him dangling in the air, with his face level to a pair of reptile like eyes and jagged teeth.  "What goblin does?"  It asked, in a guttural and foul excuse for goblin tongue.   Gorb, who quite possibly had soiled what poor excuse for pants he had on, stammered, "Gorb carries message for Daggaz, for tribe chief!".  A cackling laugh escaped the trolls mouth. "You Gorb.  I Sludge.  What... mess... message?" Sludge retorted, working his large mouth around the word message.  "The Great Skarsnik calls for all tribes, the destruction of the stunted ones is upon us!" Gorb quickly stammered.   "Sludge takes message," the troll stated.  As Gorb worked a response, he felt himself tossed in the air slightly as Sludge sprayed him with an acidic substance from his mouth.  Burning in unbearable pain, Gorb tried to scream, but could not part his lips as the acid had melted them together.  At some point between this, and a vague sensation of a loud crunching sound, Gorb's last memories entered into nothingness. Manufacturer: Reaper Miniatures Scultpor: Jason Wiebe Completed: 28 September, 2021 Total Painting time: 6 Hours

Posted: 28 Sep 2021

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