PIRATE CAPTAIN from VergeOfWar tabletop wargame
He is one of the many pirate captains commanding the ships of his armada and performing raids along the Milky Way. The pirate captain is a huge man who owns the trophies of the killed enemies, weapons of different races and old worn out clothing as a reminder of the past days before they became pirates. Captains of pirate guns use weapons of the best quality that a rebar can offer, and highly decorated to represent the rank of captain. They are the command miniature in Pirates army have 2 command orders and a high Ranged and Close combat stats. Also on the field if hey are targeted by enemy fire they are protected by his shipmates, often not willingly. The height of the Pirate captaine miniatures is 38 mm. http://www.vergeofwar.com/product/pirate-captain/ Kickstarter Verge of war: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1560931765/verge-of-war?ref=cg5lhv
Posted: 5 Aug 2018