She Ogre Mercenary for Chainmail
This was a fun model to paint. everything was nice and open, so it was easy to get to. Also, there is a good amount of contours, that made highlighting this model a bit easier than others. The flesh was painted with Reapers aged brick mixed with reapers oiled leather for highlights, then oiled leather and reapers cacusian mixed for the final highlight. the metals were drybrushed GW tin bitz, dry brushed Vallejo gunmetal, then inked with brown, black and green ink, then lightly painted with gunmetal, with a slight highlight of vallejo oily steel. the red skirt was painted vallejo burnt cadmium red, red, vermillion then a final slight highlight of yellow. The tree was painted Reaper walnut, then drybrushed with GW vermin fur, then a light highlight of GW leporous brown. but I've learned a cool new way to paint teeth and bone (thanks Koen!) base bestial brown, thin down some vallejo cork, then add some vallejo buff. Well, thats all I can remember for now. Thanks for looking!
Posted: 30 Apr 2002