Grim Reaper, version 2.0
2019: Grim Reaper. I've had this beautiful miniature for a long time. I really like the sculpt! I also painted it a couple of months ago, but realized now that I could probably improve it a little bit. So I corrected the mistakes I had done the last time and added more highlights and tried to smooth things out. So this is the second version of Grim Reaper. I had much better equipment this time, and more experience in painting. I've used Vallejo colours this time, instead of GW. I've been using Winsor&Newton series 7 brushes instead of GW brushes. The difference between these brands are enormous, as most probably know. W&N series 7 brushes could make any 3-year old a decent painter. The old version can be found here: Have a nice day :)
Posted: 7 Jan 2004