Keeper of Secrets Greater Daemon of Slaanesh 2
Different view, including back of the second of my Slaaneshy warband, an old school Keeper of Secrets. The tattoo on the back left upper arm is an almost exact copy of my own tattoo, just a little smaller... I've gone for a bright otherworld colour scheme. My first attempt at NMM, I'm reasonably happy with how it came out, but would welcome any tips for improving. It was quite tricky to paint, but I'm glad how it looks, especially the horns and claws, they started off grey, which didn't look right, then brown, but that wasn't right either, then after looking through CMON I came across a mini by Sturmhalo where he used black to shade red, so from a black undercoat I blended up a mix of blood red with black ink until it was just blood red, it was incredibly quick and easy to do and I think the effect looks suitably demonic. The red belt was shaded to orange to differentiate it from the horns. The base is sculpted from testors contour putty, which was a big mistake, the stuff is a nightmare to sculpt, but then its intended purpose is to fill gaps on kits, which it is much better at doing. I thought that a Greater Demon would have a considerable warping effect, so the rock is coming alive with the screaming spirit faces of all those the Keeper has killed and whose secrets it has stolen. two down and an army to go... :)
Posted: 3 Jan 2004
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