High Elf Archers - Command
Well, this is part of the first Warhammer unit I have ever done, which is going to be part of the first Warhammer army I have ever done. It's in traditional HE colors, which is what the customer wanted. The banner is painted on, but not exactly freehand as I can't draw. Instead I printed out the banners GW has online and used carbon paper to trace the design onto the banner, then outlined it in black paint and painted it in. It came out better than I thought it would, although I can see I still need practice (but, hey, that's what painting this whole army is about...). Maybe if I feel up to it, I will post an article on how I painted this army (if anyone is interested... if not, then I won't bother, as it will take a lot of time to take in progress shots). Also, the entire Archers unit is posted as number 39415.
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
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