The Great White - Pegasus Model
Hi all. This is my entry for the current Webmonkey Contest "Gods and Monsters". The Great White Shark is often seen as Monster in Movies, but in reality it's one really interesting predator of the Seas. I love sharks and it's sad to hear that they are hunted down for sport, their shark fins to use in soups or just because of misunderstanding. Protect the sharks! No other fish in the sea is as fascinating and intimidating at the same time. On the Miniature: This is one of the head choices you get with the Pegasus Model kit "The Great White". A great model kit! I mounted this shark head on a Kauri wood base, with space drilled out for mouth. Yes, the mouth/throat goes deeper inside as you would first seem to think when looking at the water horizon. The eyes are drilled out, painted black and then refilled with clear resin. White shark eyes are extraordinary good at seeing in water. They tend to be all black and yet somehow on photos you see the intellingence behind them. With this method I tried to make them as realistic as possible. I also added the ampullae of Lorenzini around mouth and on nose (small dots). They are the shark's electro magnetic sense, combined with his lateral line he is aware of the position all living things around him. Really an interesting animal! Hope you share my love for all sealife including sharks and like the miniature too! I'm always happy to receive comments.
Posted: 19 Jul 2015