Games Day 2002 Lt. Ed Chaos Lord

I put a lot of effort into this guy. Lots of blending and such. And he could be yours!!!

Posted: 4 Dec 2003

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Mekboy Wee Dakka
I don't mind comments, it just bugs me that people always seem to say BAD things about other peoples figs when they don't have any pictures posted themselves.
16 Dec 2003
jean genie
There's nothing wrong with negative comments, so long as they have an alternative with them - or at least an explanation. I don't the green or yellow either. It seems like they're both too bright for the 'feel' of the figure, and I think that the yellow is used too extensively. Try whitening up the tabard and the skulls, and darkening the green pants.
12 Dec 2003
Mekboy Wee Dakka
I would normally not really care how someone comments on a fig. That being said, I was under the impression that most people only left constructive comments. Gee, you think I should use different colours! Thanks for that tidbit of advice. As for the armour, it's not the greatest pic, and what green/yellow? Do you mean the REST of the colours? I'm sorry you don't like my fig, but I can't wait to rip into your pics, oh wait, I don't do stuff like that.
10 Dec 2003
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