The Encounter (AKA Alien Fart Bubbles)
"...we applied the patch... no, we thought we lost the tool box. Szabo [Major N. Szabokov] had it in his hand. He [Major N. Szabokov] said he had a leak, that he was freezing... yes, I had pressure in the umbilical, there was no leak... his face plate cracked. It burst open... the black liquid spilled out ..." Capt. D. Uman, 1971, recently declassified documentation from manned flight to Ceres. Painted up for the 5th Dimension Blog Contest: 1/48 scale Monogram Moon Lander Astronauts and some homemade press Mold Aliens. In the vacuum of space no one can hear you blurp! As always special thanks to the CMON forum!
Posted: 16 Sep 2014
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