One of my old big Miniatures. Today i have 2 unpainted ones, waiting to be done and id like to know how to improve. Its my army standard painting so far.
Please leave comments because i that is why i show them to you! Thanks!
I think you did a pretty good job for a standard paint job. The problem I see is with the pic itself. The resolution is kinda grainy. From what I can tell it looks like you did some shading on the carapace. On the base it looks like you need to add a little green drybrush on the gravel, if you are to add some static grass. There are articles for basing on the GW site as well as here which might help. Otherwise good work on a standard job.
Why are people giving this a 2 or 3? Im a bit angry about that because i really have to ask my self what these people understand under tabletop-quality and why they cant tell me what to improve. Dont they stay to their note?