Index Astartes - Scythes of the Emperor
"For the ghosts of Sotha! Brother Cordiel - Scythes of the Emperor Chapter Adeptus Astartes, 2nd company, 2nd tactical squad. Pictured above during the assault on the engine deck of "The Gorgon's Eye" - flagship of Rouge Trader Valerian Zeth. Zeth's support of the Nerubian dynasty's forces was instrumental in the succes of their rebelion which swept over all of Toretuga system, their later secession from the Imperium and succesful resistance which lasted for over 30 years. Zeth and the formidable armada that he amounted over his many years as Rouge Trader, has eluded the wrath of Thorne's forces time and time again, during the Toretuga campaign. It was only after Scythes of the Emperor 2nd and 3rd companies joined the fighting, did Valerian Zeth finally met his end, as a surgical strike force comprised of three tactical squads of Adeptus Astartes was launched via assault pods againsts Zeth flagship, targeting vital sections of the vessel. Brother Cordiel was part of the squad that targeted the engine deck, effectively cripping the ship in a matter of minutes. The whole operation was a textbook assault with no Astartes casualties, which saw the ship under Imperial control within mere 10 minutes after the first pod pierced the hull. With Variel Zeth executed and his considerable resources handed over to Imperial Inquisition, the Nerubian dynasty's armies were no longer able to maintain an effective resistance against the wrath of Imperial Guard regiments and Adeptus Astartes strike forces amassed against them over the years. The official end of the Toretuga Campaign was marked mere two years later Note: Bolter with drum feed magazine. Toretuga campaign badge on right, lower leg armour. Partially obscured by battle damage.
Posted: 1 Feb 2014