Barrow wight diorama
This turned into something of a mammoth task, only just finished the night before Oz Games Day (I deceided at 11pm to paint all the little gems on the swords, thanks to Chrispy's article, I managed them all, thanks Chrispy!). I tried to stick to what Tolkein wrote in LOTR, with the sheilds at their feet and surrounded by treasure, but balancing the sword across the hobbits neck looked silly, so its across their chests instead; and I wanted them up on a crypt rather than on the floor. The Seven Stars is a symbol of Arnor and later Arthedain, and the runes are Cirith Erebor courtesy of Dan Smith's font pack (no I didn't paint them, I just ran out of time, maybe next time, and I'll let you find out for yourself what the inscription says). I was going to have two wights, but running out of time I stuck to just one. The swords, sheild and chest are there to balance the wight on the other side. I had a number of mishaps along the way, the worst of which was the midnight blue on the wight bleeding through a weird purple colour when it was gloss varnished, I had to go back and re-paint it and its just not as good (the paint wouldn't stick properly to the gloss). All things considered I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.
Posted: 25 Oct 2003