Very old fig - vintage `95, purchased off Ebay. Had fun painting this. I had to sculpt a new left hand, since the original didn't make it through the mail.
Very old fig - vintage `95, you call 95 very old!?! I have miniatures that say '68 on the bottom of them, that's old! 95, by then I had been painting for about 8 years. I have one of these "Magic Life Counters" somewhere, never painted mine though.
Yup, that's Sarah alright. Glad you liked it. I went with green because it is supposed to be a green lifecounter. Used dark yellow for her uderdress because that makes a nice complement to the green.
I like the colour scheme you've chosen, and her face looks very nice, good job! The figure looks to me like Reaper 2030, Sarah the Seeress. If you do a CMoN search on Sarah you'll see a couple of these figures if you want to have a look and see whether you think they are one and the same.