Thx to your kind words!
To Avelorn: about the size of the head same thing seems to me, but, micrometer in hand, the head measures about 4.6mm (4.0 if jaw closed) which is for a 30mm guys about 1/7.5 (an average size). probably the bruceish hairstyle makes him looking odd.
About left shoulder, arm: I have no excuse here ;)
I very appreciate your critiques as well as your works!
Beautiful work! Great work on details for such a small sculpt and the pose feels pretty relaxed and natural. I think the head could have been a tad smaller if you're not going for a young teen that is. His left shoulder, arm. does not look quite right as well. But I think noticing that is just due to that you've done the entire miniature so good and realistic that you can nitpick it. It is not something often done in these scales. Very close to being a 10 in my book. Sven