Kingdom Death - Forsaker Pinup
This was my first time working with a resin miniature I've been painting metal minis for so long along with a few plastics here and there I really didn't know what to expect with resin. Now i've made resin things before for my own business but none of them are as small or intimidating as this little gal is. So of course my first time around I missed a bunch of mold lines then I discovered a tiny piece of 400 grit sand paper did the trick for the most part. My metal files are so corse they really ripped up the resin. Now I'm ready for the next one. Paints used were all vallejo along with a couple GW washes. I went with a darker tone this time around, I wanted the feeling that she spent most days outside. I also chose a lot of natural colors -browns and greens which is outside of my normal range and I came to find out they are a lot of fun to paint. For the base I used half of a wooden yo-yo that I found at Michaels craft store, Corse & Fine Pumice, crushed/broken seashells, random little rocks, static grass, and some corse sand flock, & plastic leaves from a cherry blossom branch. I put a pretty thin layer of paint on the shells so their natural color would bleed through and give the rocks depth. Some more paint was added a little dry brushing and voila she is done.
Posted: 16 Feb 2011
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