Nurgle Dreadnought mkII Forgeworld
Hey ho! I've finally managed to finish this insanely complicated Dread, and did it for a second time ^^ ! This one has been partly done for my upcoming video tutorial for Miniature Mentor, which should be available somewhere in this Spring. I decided to go for a different color palette this time, as well as improve some of the techniques used on the previous Dread. I wanted him to be similar, yet at the same time not a copy by no means. I'm willing to sell him! If you are interested please contact me by PM. Waiting for your comments as always! _______________________________________________________________________________________________ COBWEBS!!!! Because many people ask me how I did the cobwebs, I will provide the recipe in here :) It's really quite simple! All you need is: 1.Some cotton wool 2. Satin Varnish 3. Fine brush I start from removing single fibers from the cotton wool or a few at a time. Then I dip the pip of my brush in water. I 'grab' the fibers with my wet brush and transport it to a desired area on a model. Then I dip my brush in Satin Varnish and apply it to the several spots where in the areas where I applied the cotton. After that I simply model the shape of the wool to my liking. I especially like to straighten the fibres with the varnish to achieve a realistic cobweb look. You need to practice for yourself! Cheers!!
Posted: 30 Jan 2011