This is my best work yet, and please be kind. I don't have any natural apptitude, no natural sense for colours or any real artistic talents.
But be honest and please leave some helpful hints on how I can improve my craft.
Try blocking the colours first for each section.
eg. face / hands , helmet etc.
Then give the whole figure a wash with GW devlan mud.
This will give a good looking result on its own.
Then work from there.
(a technique from the citadel how to paint book)
This is a bloodbowl figure right?
Well I do see some basic skill here. You tried to put a pupil in the eye, that counts for something at least.
Overall I think the figure looks way too dark.
For quick fixes I'd bring some detail into the helmet (either brighten up the bands or the base of the helmet, I'd go for the bands I think) and highlight the blue with a lighter shade.
You might also consider different flok for the base, this moss creates very deep tanglewood underbrush, which is good on larger models, or sneaking forestelfs, but not so much on dwarfs trying to run accros a gamefield.
The face looks fine, I wouldn't touch that.
Those would be my tips, since you asked so nicely.