My opinions: the blending is smooth and consistent. If the yellow intends to represent NMM gold, it indeed does not quite manage it, but to me it simply looks like yellow trim, and a very good one to it. The details are great - down to the *recent* scar on his forehead. The muzzle does not look dirty to me, but worn... And finally, the blacklining is one of the most delicate works I've seen lately. Sorry for the overall tone, but I just said what I felt. If anything, the base is a bit too flat...
While the blending is very nice, the little details let this guy down. The wolf-heads on the backback don't match the orange used on the rest of him, and look out of place, the NMM looks very flat, and the heavy blacklining spoils the smooth effect of the shading. (On a more technicl note, no self-respecting soldier would let his rifle muzzle get that dirty :) Overall, he's nice, but certainly not $80 worth of nice.
beautifully painted, very smooth. my only criticism is the face. his eyes look a little too far apart (or not wide enough themselves) and his mouth seems a little small. i think if you exaggerated his features a little more it would look better. still, looks very good though...