Converted AOBR dreadnought
This is my first foray into posting anything 28mm on here. It's the result of thinking the GW dreads are too squat and have the heads on the MKIV's too much to the front making the whole thing seem top heavy. The TLAC arm also came from not liking the look of the FW arms and the ammo canisters hanging out so far. This guy is supposed to represent a Venerable or Ironclad (once the seismic hammer arm is done) for my custom marine chapter. Looking back I'll probably revisit this guy at some point when I decide to experiment with weathering. I've also got a better idea for how to do up the second one eventually to give him less of a lock kneed look. I've added in the pic at the bottom to show the plasticard work and and a comparison to the original AOBR dread for scale.
Posted: 28 Mar 2010