thanks for the 8! the chipping on the bone to make it look like the armour plates are actually made of bone was just achieved by using many brown layers all the way through to white-with careful brush strokes to leave a jagged edge around the armour plates.for the final white highlight i let the paint dry a little so when it was applied it left a slightly rough finish, finally very thin black lines were added randomly to give the appearance of cracks and chips.the barrel on the bolt gun is indeed drilled out-looks alot more realistic and only takes a few seconds to do! cheers buddy!
Lovely model , How did you achive the chipping on the bone and black armour ?
A picture from behind would have been good.
Is the bolt pistol barrel drilled out ?
thanks for the 8 my friend, the bone coloured armour is built up from scorched brown and goes through alot of layers of graveyard earth to bleached bone and then a white highlight. i love painting mortifactors-not many people know much about them though-which kinda makes them cooler still! happy painting everyone!