No, thats true. The helmet was pressed into service in 1970, when it replaced the Hungarian made version of the ww2 Soviet helmet. It is still in use, it is rumoured to offer better protection than the kevlar ones, but, of course, it is much more cumbersome in return. Kalashnikov was pressed into service in the early 60's (late 50's maybe), it is just Kalashnikov, you know, still in use, there will be no better assault rifle until the invention of the Imperial Guard lasgun:) The other pieces of the uniform were pressed into service in the late 60's. In the early 90's the army started to use a new type of camouflage uniform , but those old pieces were still in use in training/reserve/conscript units until they were completely worn-out (dont waste taxpayers money...:P) And they are really not easy to ruin, it is still a common sight people using those old military coats for cold time not-too-elegant outside activity (hunters, workers, people working in the garden, etc), I have one too:)