array ( 'id' => 18232, 'name' => 'Soylent Bob', 'fullname' => NULL, 'category_id' => 2, 'manufacturer_id' => 133, 'setting_id' => NULL, 'type_id' => NULL, 'description' => 'Jaguar', 'self' => 6, 'one' => 0, 'two' => 0, 'three' => 1, 'four' => 12, 'five' => 34, 'six' => 87, 'seven' => 146, 'eight' => 52, 'nine' => 21, 'ten' => 12, 'total' => 366, 'rate' => 2496, 'average' => '6.8', 'regtotal' => 151, 'regaverage' => '6.60000000', 'resize' => 0, 'status' => 'Approved', 'reported' => 0, 'substatus' => 'Moderated Manually', 'reason_class' => NULL, 'status_updater_id' => NULL, 'reason' => 'new', 'voter1' => 'iq_voter1', 'voter2' => '', 'voter3' => '', 'voter4' => '', 'voter5' => '', 'timestamp' => 1046629472, 'minicomment' => 'This is a full size old Heavy Gear fig from the 90\'s. I painted it with a very simple technique using not Vallejo, not citadel, not artist acrylics or other fancy brands that everyone is all proud of. Nope, these guys got Testors all over them. Oh, and I guess since I didn\'t use any silver, this would be my first example of NMM.', 'views' => 4309, 'contest_id' => NULL, 'contest_category_id' => NULL, 'ebayid' => '', 'ebaycurrency_id' => 1, 'ebayauctiontype' => 'AUCTION', 'ebayfirstbidcurrency_id' => 1, 'ebayfirstbid' => '36.35', 'ebaycurrentprice' => '0.00', 'ebaybids' => 1, 'ebayend_at' => 1240304050, 'ebaystatus' => 'closed', 'ebayup_at' => 1240302013, 'ebayclicks' => 0, 'ebaycoolmini_at' => 0, 'featuredauction' => 0, 'featuredauctionshows' => 0, 'forsalestatus' => 'no', 'forsaleid' => NULL, 'lastadmin_id' => NULL, 'user_id' => 3690, 'is_new' => 0, 'auction_url' => NULL, 'auction_platform' => NULL, 'proper_ebayid' => NULL, 'scale_id' => 6, 'r' => 121015, 'is_nsfw' => 0, 'is_content_managed' => 0, 'is_protected' => 0, )An internal server error occurred.