I was with my fiancee in venice Italy and I thhought how nice it would be if no one else was there. Except maybe a mini!The mini is Schwarze Auge I picked up in Germany I think.
The skin tones on those legs..yuch. And is that supposed to be a beard? Looks like a black line done with a sharpie.
Oh, we're supposted to be judging the other mini? His socks look better than the ones in back. But why is he picking his nose and carrying a golf bag?
(All given in good fun.)
"The sculpt and paint job on the crossbowman are pretty cool but the figure at left is not to my liking. The flesh looks a little flat; the proportions are all off, the pose is too static, and uninspired and was the back pack sculpted in greenstuff? I'll give you a point for that."
This is one of those comments I'll be embarrassed about later but mebbe between now and then they'll be some laughs! haa!
good idea Yrret! I've been inspired!