The summoning
One of the old familiars and a nurgling on 50mm base. I've been wanting to do this diorama for years, finally got round to doing it last year, it was my Oz Golden Demon duel entry. I know there was quite a bit of discussion about whether it was really a duel and how one sided it was, but I made it through to finals, which was nice. I think this is the first photo that I'm happy with, it actually looks like it does in real life :) The magic spray is wire coated in superglue and sand, pretty happy with the effect. The candles are round sprue drilled out with little bits of wire glued in. The spikes are cocktail sticks. The idea is that the magicians familiar is having a go at summoning a demon like his master does, seeing as he's small he summons a small demon. As to what happens next? Well maybe the nurglings big brother (greater demon) turns up as well? I might get round to doing a companion piece with the familiars master and the forgeworld greater demon... maybe...
Posted: 7 May 2007