Orboros Warlock Krueger the Stormwrath

This model was exclusively painted with the new "Formula P3" paints, manufactured by Privateer Press. The cloak is a base of Thornwood Green with black and Exile Blue mixed in for the shaded areas. The highlights were achieved by mixing in Thrall Flesh with the Thornwood Green and working up to nearly pure Thrall Flesh. The runes on his cape and robe are a tiny bit of Bloodstone mixed in with black. The Bloodstone was mixed to provided a stark contrast with the green of the cloak, as the red of the Bloodstone color and the green of Thornwood are complimentary colors. There are no translations of the Orboros runes yet that I could find, So I included some from another model I was working on and made up a couple of my own as well. :) His skin is Khadoric Flesh with Menoth white mixed in and a *tiny* bit of Heartfire yellow (and I mean teeny tiny!) The brighter green areas of his armour are a mix of Necrotic Green added to Cryx Bane Base. After a bit of experimentation it produced a leafy green color for the area that was highlighted with straight Necrotic Green and then some white added to that for the brightest spots. The blue/black leathered areas are an Exile Blue base (or midtone if you like) with black or white mixed for shades and highlights respectively. Reddish trim on his boots is Bloodstone brown. I believe I used a mix of Hammerfall Khaki and Khador Red Highlight for highlights (don't quote me on that though). ;P His sandy brown tunic and trousers are Gun Corps Brown in the darkest recesses, worked up to (a fabulous color) Hammerfall Khaki, and from there up to white. The green wrappings on the spear are Cryx Bane Base with Thrall flesh highlights. The wooden staff of the spear is a rough streaky mix of all the previously used browns on the figure streaked on in relatively parallel lines and swirls to produced a woodgrained effect. Some white and black was added to these browns to produced the depth of the woodgrain. Steel NMM is Great Coat Grey with white mixed in for the highlights, topmost steel NMM highlights are straight white. The gold NMM was the real challenge. I didn't have a color from Privateer on hand that came close to my usual Mixes for NMM gold (GW snakebite, GW Bubonic brown, etc.) So I mixed up approximately a 1:1 mix of Heartfire yellow and Bloodstone brown for that effect. Keeping a healthy supply of this as my midtone base for the gold, I mixed in some black and bloodstone Brown for the darker areas and used white and the midtone gold mix for highlights. As with all my NMM the topmost highlights are white. The base was occasionally brushed with any and all of the colors of the figure, of course the stone is primarily grey tones with some khaki and white. I like to use lots of different colors on bases, because the ground in real life is almost never straight out grey. :) As a last bit of modelling I added a sculpted putty rock, flock and some little caspia flowers to give this druid the feel of some rich forest life around him.

Posted: 28 Oct 2006

8.3 /10 (67 Votes) 3.3k Views

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Very well done. I like the subtle color choices and your faces are superb as usual.
1 Nov 2006 • Vote: 9
A highly understated mini, painted very subtly and in tones very suited to his duridic nature. You've painted this in a very sympathetic manner to the character. My one and only observation is that the gloves aren't quite in a par with the smoothness of the rest of the figure. But I love the way you have added foliage to the base without "drowning" it in green. There are a lot of us who should thake note of that. :D
31 Oct 2006 • Vote: 10

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