"The Blessing" GD2006 germany finalist (Diorama)
This is my GD Germany entry for 2006. i'm happy that it was a finalist because i didn't had more than 1 week to do the whole diorama.... I wanted to create a mix of Bretonians and Space Marines (as you can see, what a surprise! :D) so I took the subject of a Blessing (with the bretonian Blessing of the Lady) ok i have to admit that there is a logical mistake in the diorama.... mainly because i didnt had a lot of time and didn't want to destroy all I did..... as you can see the candles give light to the wall but not to the table and the book. its simple.. i had the book done and the light on the wall i did after the book to give a bit of life to the wall. thanks to everyone who helped me especially Bestienmeister and the Legio pictorum and everyone i forgot to mention.
Posted: 7 Aug 2006