Muy bonita, un esquema de color diferente a los q habia visto. Quiza falten algunos toques de luces y sombras en zonas puntuales, pero es tu mejor trabajo a mi gusto. Felicidades, a seguir asi ;D.
PD: Una critiquilla jeje, me gusta la peana pero creo q la calabera y las letras a pincel desmerencen un poco el trabajo.
Nice job! My main problem here is the bace... Well, it looks like a plasticcap, or something like that, and I really think your mini deserves a better display base than this... If you want a round display base, look into the andrea miniatures line, they offer some nice ones there, and these will look much better than what you used there. It would really be worth the investment... :) As for the painting itself, it's a very nice job.