Black Templar Terminator Squad (painted at last ^_^)
Okay these here are my Terminators - a comission for a friend from the USA. I'm painting a year and a tad now , and those Termies were a milestone for me, I was painting them in real pain :P Either way I'm not as happy with them as I thought ; but there are a lot to come. I know the pictures are weak , but I'm not a photographer and I asked my friend for some better ones :D I'll submit better pics as soon as possible. For now please leave a comment , I would really , and I mean really like to know what people think about these minis , and some words of constructive criticism would also be helpfyl. I'm trying to improve my painting, but it's hard not knowing what mistakes you make ;) Either way please visit our website :D
Posted: 26 Mar 2006