Medieval Knight in 54mm Historic

This is my first Paintjob on a miniature in 54mm scale. It is from Andrea Miniatures. I liked the color scheme of the miniature on the box, but wanted to the white a lot more darker with a touch of grey and brown, the red should be not as dark red as one the showcase miniature of Andrea. The metallics had made a lot of fun, I mixed it with a little bit of blue, to get it more realistic. At least I turned the soldier durty and weathered :-) That makes him much more realistic than it had lookedb efore. I really like the sculpt and wanted to do one of my best on it. I painted only one symbol on the back, because I disliked the lot of symbols on the showcase miniature of Andres. I wanted him to appear "clearer" and painted only one on the backside. I hope you like it. The face is a little bit overlighted, in real it is more darker.

Posted: 2 Oct 2005

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Hello banshee, I am really thankfull for your comment. There had been so much tipps for me to improve my skills! They are really constructive and they will help me a lot to improve my painting. Your comment was great, and I am really happy that you have wroten me this things. There are a lot of things which I had overseen on the mini, but now I know what I can do better and to do it more realistic :-) Really really thanks! I am every time really happy when I get some critics :-) And you are right, I used acrylics and I will try it with more water the next time. I have everytime a lot of problems to take a picture of my minis, this picture is really a bit overlighted. I will try to do some better pics. The face is in my Opinion not perfect, I have some difficulties to get the right skin tone, but in Reality it looks better as on the picture, but it is difficult to describe, but I think it is not dark enough and could have more contrasts as you said. With the clothes and the base you are completely right, and I am by myself not really happy with the dirty base. I will try to change it to make it more realistic! REALLY THANKS for you Advice! I am happy about it :-) And I wanted to say that I have seen your work on the germany games day :-) It was absolutely fantastic and I was really fascinated :-) I had some miniatures there, too ( the NMM Highelf with the moon-night scene on the shield, the Tyranid Slayer Space Marine and a Lord of the Ring Miniature (from the last alliance, an elb in NMM) The Elb and the Tyranid Slayer had for a short while a "finalist" sticker on them, but not until the end ;-) It was my first Games Day and it was a great experience to see these fantastic miniatures "live", and there had been so much nice people :-) Will you come next year, too ? I would be very happy to see more of your work live :-) It had been really great! I love your Seargent, it is really a masterpiece. And Joshel is absolutely perfect!!!!! I love it!
12 Oct 2005
my advices: i supose that yoou have used acrylic should paint with more water on your mixture cause the chlotes here are bright and that is an error.. the face is so overlighted, and maybe is the photo, but without a cl9oser pic of the face i cannot know how is it paiinted..the base is so dirty, hoevwr the terrain can be unclean but you mustpaint it clean to get it dirty after.and finally.. the light should come from the top, but is an error that you have done the same light and shadows in all the model..shoulders, head and chest should have the brighter light and the legs for example should be darker..the volumes of the cloak in the chext are exagerated.. the chest is more plain and you should make is smoother.. not with those contrast.. i hope it will not offend you.. the are constructive critics and advices.
6 Oct 2005 • Vote: 1

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